I drove to North Salem, NY a few weeks ago on a Saturday morning that started with some simple flurries. The owner was moving south and had been in TV production. This piqued my curiosity and led me there in the hopes of finding something cool.
I didn’t, though, and after looking for too long I found the snow had been falling hard and the roads were covered. Looking over items a second time my hands fell on this.
I think what grabbed me was the design. A small reading lamp tucked in a space smaller that a coffee can.
Leather bound and sporting a 4 ft. cord that is revealed and concealed by spinning the lamp base.
I felt this needed a video demonstration (just over a minute long)
What it is missing is any and all documentation or record of who made it, when and why. The only label is in silver across the top: “Hi Intensity Executive and Travel Lamp.” Likely a gift for the traveling executive or person that aspires to be an executive – that can’t find a decent motel with a desk lamp? Or maybe a train traveler who has an outlet in his Pullman suite (did they have those?)
The only successful search I did led me to this exact lamp
on an Etsy site. The description was too thin to trust and the item had been
sold. The store-owner has not answered my email. If you want to pick up the
baton and run with it, I would be happy to credit you in finding the conclusion to
this story.