Leader Board Ad

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sausage is food power!

vintage ad, food, ephemera
I never grow tired of vintage ads - especially for food.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

”Hey, Look me over!”

Some boxes of paper just say to me,”Hey, Look me over!” This piece of Broadway musical theatre history is really special for a reason I won’t give away just yet. In case you were wondering - yes - Despite Ricky's insistence otherwise - Lucy finally got to be in a show.

from Instagram

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Pre-Internet Wine "App"

#wine #App #alcohol #estatesale #urbanarcheology
Sit down kids, when I was your age this was called an “App” for wine. No batteries needed, no visit to the App store, all you needed was faith in Christian Brothers.  There seems to be an abundance of Sherry coming from the The Christian Brothers and they have nicely covered every occasion even "between MEALS" so don't put that glass down.  If I was ever at a loss for rabbit holes to run down (Not often) I can always just begin researching the history of any California winery.

The Christian Brothers isn't just a name, it is actually a worldwide congregation of Catholic teachers whose 11,000 members taught in 1600 schools around the world - as of 1989. Today, their numbers are far fewer but their goals are just as fervent and Lasalle University is their most well-known and established school. The orders actual name is The De La Salle Christian Brothers.

Here us my abbreviated version of their History: Started in France in 1861 Jean Baptiste De La Salle moved the teacher order in 1868 to Martinez, California. There a vineyard was established and the selling of wine and other spirits became their main support for the schools and its teachers. They moved to the Napa Valley in 1932 building a retreat and expanding their operations. They survived the Prohibition Era by selling sacramental and medicinal wine.

They acquired other vintners and expanded again becoming a large distiller of Brandy. By the 1970's and 80's growing consolidation due to acquisitions in the wine and spirits markets raised the cost for labor and materials. That, and a softening in the distilled spirits market made the Brothers' dual mission for religious education and wine-making difficult despite stable profits. In 1989 they were acquired by the Heublein division of Grand Metropolitan PLC of Great Britain. 

If you feel the need to keep researching you'll have to go ...on...without me (sigh). The history of Heublein alone is fascinating as it involves my home state of CT and A-1 Steak Sauce - no kidding!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sittin' and a-Thinkin'

This bathroom reader - literally and figuratively is from the 50's and found in a home where you might expect that this is as racy a material that ever entered its doors. I think for adults and seniors of the mid-century it was a hoot to reminisce about how things used to be be - and in some areas of the country - still are. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Found Photo: Not happy

#photography #foundphoto #early1900s estatesale #urbanarcheology
I had just told these 3 I had found them in a dumpster...they were none too pleased.

from Instagram

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Found Photos: Saved from the Dumpster

#photos #photography #foundphoto #dumpsterdiving #estatesale #urbanarcheology
Believe or not I actually found this old image in a dumpster. It was just lying on top among several other pictures that I uncovered after digging through the house. I was able to dig a little bit longer before the person running the estate sale came out of the house and said, “I’m afraid you’ll fall in.” She was right, but falling in is half the fun.

from Instagram

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Old gags are the best gags?

#novelties #gags #pranks #birthday #humor #estatesale #urbanarcheology
 I’m not sure how you can depict this in a humorous way at a little girl’s party using just 3 cells. These are at least 50 years old and still won’t blow out.

from Instagram

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

History Wrapped in a Celluloid Mystery

#photography #foundphotos #film #kodak #mystery #estatesale #urbanarcheology
A roll of exposed undeveloped film that could be as old as 106...what to do...what to do...
My next step is to research film developers - stay tuned!