Tiny accessories that accompany the modern conveniences of early 19th century homes fascinate me.
How many times have you gone digging through a junk drawer, sewing desk, or movie projector only to find these single purpose oil cans? Usually they are stained and and dark, but sometimes they have the look of minimal use. This might be why we see cars that rarely, if ever, need their oil changed. We seem to want to believe that well built machines would never need any help from us.
Not true, if you are reading this and you own a car - go check your oil level! An untouched (or lightly touched) oil can is only desired by the collector or Urban Archeologist. Those machines ran hot and were running gears on gears and needed constant (or near constant) care to keep things running smoothly.
This little guy came out of a 16mm home projector case and although the accompanying 30's era projector still runs I can hear it crying for oil like the Tin Man.