Once upon a time you could look at this cover and immediately see the gag. Billy is ready for football with baseball season still in full swing (though this is an October issue). But with the haze of suspicion now cast over any adult within 10 feet of a half-naked boy (even a coach in a locker room) I can't look at this without snickering at the possibly inappropriate glance from the coach. I can't help feeling guilty for my first impression, or pity for anyone who was thinking about coaching a sport with the additional scrutiny that is sure to exist these days.
So, on the subject of inappropriateness I offer this light look at an ad for the Athletic supporter and ask this question: How is an athlete without support like a tennis racquet without strings? Hey don't blame me! Read the ad. They made the inference - I just don't have the (cat) guts to say it.
It's a classic mystery of advertising: Did they mean to imply the double entendre? Or was that the best analogy they could come up with?
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