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Friday, June 27, 2014

This is a Girl You Have to Hear (video)

I could talk all day about how, "We're all connected." But I bet you knew that already, thanks to the internet. However, before the inter-webs, we were still all connected. I am not comparing us to ants in a colony all experiencing some level of group think. I am talking about the innumerable coincidences you can find even when you're not looking for them.

I'm in Connecticut, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise to find a piece of sheet music in Connecticut with this title...or is it?  If I knew how to research something like this I would really like to know how it came about. The composer lived in the same city as (the Connecticut Girl I married) the music was found in, but I know little else about him. More than that, I really wanted to know what this song sounded like.
     A waltz for guitar or banjo, neither of which I can play beyond random plucking. Through a more interesting coincidence (a story for another time) I found a musician who not only could read this music, but play it with real passion. Take a listen to 2 minutes of this song and see if you can tell me "Who is the Connecticut Girl?"

The performance was courtesy of Caleb A. Wetherbee, whose skill with a guitar made this video possible. 
Caleb A. Wetherbee Biography
 Note: both the composer, Dominic A. Passerelli and the performance artist Caleb A. Wetherbee share the same middle initial...coincidence?

1 comment:

  1. After some research, I found that the composer was Dominick Anthony Passerelli, born in March 1878. In the 1900 census records he is listed as a music teacher. On his WWI registration he is "musician and storekeeper". His address was 362 Main Street. His parents were Nicol and Anna Passerelli and he was one of 7 children. He came from Italy in 1887. Hope that helps with your research!


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